Emma's Gluten Free Baking Mixes

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Menu Thinks: Banana Bread

5:18 PM Posted by EmmaElaine , No comments
Things to try adding:

Chocolate chips
Raspberries (and chocolate chips)
Toasted coconut on top
Cream cheese frosting

Breakfast Menu:
  1. Banana bread, sausage, and fresh fruit
  2. Banana bread, bacon, and green smoothie
Other Thinks:
  • Great travel food. Perfect for early morning breakfast on road trips.
  • Homemade hostess gift. 
  • Delicious mid-afternoon pick-me-up.

Menu Thinks: Biscuits

5:18 PM Posted by EmmaElaine , No comments
Things to try adding:

Bacon grease instead of butter
Cheddar cheese
Garlic powder and oregano

Breakfast Menu:
  1. Biscuits, fried eggs, and bacon. Split a biscuit, slather it in butter, and make an egg and bacon sandwich. 
  2. Biscuits, cream cheese and honey, and fresh fruit. Cut biscuit in half, spread each half with cream cheese, drizzle with honey, and top with fresh fruit. Eat open-faced like a bagel. 
  3. Biscuits, butter, and cinnamon. Make cinnamon toast out of a biscuit!
Lunch Menu:
  1. Biscuits, burgers, burger fixings (lettuce, tomato, onion, mustard, ketchup, relish, mayo, Colby jack, avocado, mushrooms, provolone cheese, arugula, fresh spinach, peppers, coleslaw, pineapple, etc.). Form biscuits a little flatter before baking. Use biscuits as buns and load 'em up!
Supper Menu:
  1. Biscuits, grilled chicken strips, mashed potatoes, and broccoli.
Other Thinks:
  • Biscuits are perfect for a quick addition to any meal, especially suppers. Last minute guests? Didn't get the potatoes peeled in time? All out of rice? Biscuits to the rescue! 

Menu Thinks: Chocolate Chip Cookies

5:17 PM Posted by EmmaElaine , No comments
Things to try adding:

1 cup Peanut butter
2/3 cup Cocoa powder

Dessert Menu:
  1. Chocolate chip cookies, ice cream. Crumble cookies  on top of ice cream
  2. Chocolate chip cookies, milk. No explanation necessary.  
  3. Chocolate chip cookies (uncooked), gluten free oreos. Wrap dough around gluten free oreos and bake normally. 
  4. Chocolate chip cookies (uncooked), spoon. Place dough on spoon. Eat.
Other Thinks:
  • Dough freezes well if you don't want to bake all the cookies at once. 
Click here for the Step-by-Step tutorial 

Menu Thinks: Cinnamon Rolls

5:16 PM Posted by EmmaElaine , No comments
Things to try adding:

Honey, softened butter, and cinnamon instead of the brown sugar filling provided in mix
Orange roll filling instead of the brown sugar filling provided in mix
Chocolate chips
Cream cheese frosting on top

Breakfast Menu:
  1. Cinnamon rolls, sausage, and fresh fruit.
  2. Cinnamon rolls, yogurt, and fresh fruit.
Other Thinks:
  • These are simply scrumptious right out of the oven, but they are twice as good leftover and re-heated.
  • Can easily be frozen after individual rolls have been cut. Place unbaked rolls on a cookie sheet, cover with plastic wrap and freeze for 24 hours. Transfer frozen rolls from cookie sheet to Ziploc bag for longer-term storage. Now you can bake individual cinnamon rolls whenever you want! Simply pull out a frozen roll, place in baking pan, and insert into oven while preheating to help thaw the roll. Once oven is pre-heated, bake until golden brown, 15-20 minutes. 
Click here for the Step-by-Step tutorial

Menu Thinks: Pancakes

5:16 PM Posted by EmmaElaine , No comments
Things to try adding:

Chocolate chips
Banana slices
Strawberry slices
Replace some of the water with apple sauce and add cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and ground clove for apple cinnamon pancakes

Breakfast Menu:

  1. Pancakes, eggs, and pineapple.
  2. Pancakes, bacon, and smoothie.

Other thinks:
  • Can be made dairy-free and/or egg-free if you so desire.

Menu Thinks: Pizza Crust

5:15 PM Posted by EmmaElaine , No comments

Supper Menu:

  1. Pizza topped with white ranch sauce, chicken, and onions.
  2. Pizza topped with red sauce, mozzarella cheese, and pineapple.
  3. Pizza topped with red sauce, mozzarella cheese, Parmesan cheese, and veggies (like sauteed shiitake mushrooms, caramelized onions, browned fennel, fresh basil, toasted pine nuts, wilted swiss chard or spinach, sauteed leeks, eggplant, sage, green peppers, fresh tomatoes, and/or fresh oregano).
  4. Nix the cheese and top pizza with ground beef, caramelized onions, nutritional yeast, mushrooms, and fresh basil for a Paleo-approach.

Dessert Menu:

  1. Pizza topped with butter, cinnamon, and sugar.
  2. Pizza topped with peanut butter/sugar/butter paste, marshmallows, and chocolate chips.
Other Thinks:
  • Pre-bake mini personal-pizza-size crusts, cool, wrap in plastic wrap, and freeze until you need a personal pizza crust!

Menu Thinks: Pop Tarts

5:15 PM Posted by EmmaElaine , No comments

Thing to try adding:

(All the below are filling ideas)
Fresh fruit (strawberries, mulberries, blueberries, gooseberries, peaches, raspberries, blackberries, apples, bananas, etc.)
Cream cheese and jelly
Broccoli and cheddar cheese

Breakfast Menu:

  1. Pop tarts filled with strawberry jelly, banana strawberry smoothie, and fried eggs.
  2. Pop tarts filled with fresh fruit and spread with cream cheese icing, and a green smoothie.

Other Thinks: 
  • Pop tarts freeze well. Simply toast to re-heat!

Step-by-Step: Chocolate Chip Cookies

5:09 PM Posted by EmmaElaine , No comments

Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix

 Step 1: Remove chocolate chip baggie from Emma’s Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix.

Step 2: Pour Emma's Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix into a standing mixer with cookie attachments or just a regular ol' mixing bowl. 

Step 3: Separate out 1 egg yolk.

(You could also try using whatever egg replacer you fancy. 2 Tbsp water and 1 Tbsp ground flax seed per 1 egg is my favorite.)

(Save the egg white to use for Emma's Gluten Free Biscuit Mix!)

Step 4: Melt 1/2 cup butter or coconut oil.

Step 5: Add egg yolk, 1 egg, 2 Tbsp milk (cow, coconut, etc.) and 1 1/2 tsp vanilla to the bowl.

Step 6: Mix until well combined.

(Sometimes the dough can be rather crumbly, especially if you make it dairy-free. So, try bringing it together with your hands if it still needs some work.)

Step 7: Add baggie of chocolate chips.

Step 8: Mix until incorporated.

 Step 9: Chill dough for 1 hour. (This step is half-way optional. The flavor is enhanced with chilling. You don't necessarily have to chill it for a full hour, though, if you don't want to. Also, if its a hot summer day, chilling it will keep the cookies from melting everywhere when you bake them.) If desired, you can freeze the dough at this point for later use.

Step 10: Preheat oven to 375*F. 
Step 11: Butter cookie sheet.

Step 12: Roll dough into 2 Tbsp balls (or use a Pampered Chef Cookie Scoop. I love them.)  

(It's reeeeeeeeeally hard not to eat all the dough before it makes it into the oven.)

Step 13: Press cookies flat.

Step 14: Bake for 8-12 minutes...

Or until golden brown. (In my opinion, it is always better to err on the side of under-done cookies than over-done cookies.)

Step 15: Allow to cool for 5 minutes before removing from cookie sheet to cooling rack. Enjoy!

Whole Recipe

Makes: 2.5-3 dozen Cookies

1       Emma’s Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix    
1/2 C Unsalted butter or coconut oil, melted and cooled
1       Whole egg
1       Egg yolk
2 T    Milk
1-1/2 tsp Vanilla extract

Remove chocolate chip baggie from Emma’s Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix. Pour mix into a standing mixer with cookie attachments. Add butter/oil, whole egg, egg yolk, milk, and vanilla. Mix until well combined.  Add the baggie of chocolate chips. Stir to combine. (It might be crumbly– that’s okay). Chill the dough in the refrigerator until firm, about 1 hr.
Preheat oven to 375*F.
Form dough into 1 Tbsp balls. Place on a greased baking sheet and press down to flatten.

Bake for 10-12 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool 5 min before transferring to cooling rack.

Click here for Menu Ideas!