Emma's Gluten Free Baking Mixes

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Menu Thinks: Biscuits

5:18 PM Posted by EmmaElaine , No comments
Things to try adding:

Bacon grease instead of butter
Cheddar cheese
Garlic powder and oregano

Breakfast Menu:
  1. Biscuits, fried eggs, and bacon. Split a biscuit, slather it in butter, and make an egg and bacon sandwich. 
  2. Biscuits, cream cheese and honey, and fresh fruit. Cut biscuit in half, spread each half with cream cheese, drizzle with honey, and top with fresh fruit. Eat open-faced like a bagel. 
  3. Biscuits, butter, and cinnamon. Make cinnamon toast out of a biscuit!
Lunch Menu:
  1. Biscuits, burgers, burger fixings (lettuce, tomato, onion, mustard, ketchup, relish, mayo, Colby jack, avocado, mushrooms, provolone cheese, arugula, fresh spinach, peppers, coleslaw, pineapple, etc.). Form biscuits a little flatter before baking. Use biscuits as buns and load 'em up!
Supper Menu:
  1. Biscuits, grilled chicken strips, mashed potatoes, and broccoli.
Other Thinks:
  • Biscuits are perfect for a quick addition to any meal, especially suppers. Last minute guests? Didn't get the potatoes peeled in time? All out of rice? Biscuits to the rescue! 


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