Emma's Gluten Free Baking Mixes

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Menu Thinks: Pizza Crust

5:15 PM Posted by EmmaElaine , No comments

Supper Menu:

  1. Pizza topped with white ranch sauce, chicken, and onions.
  2. Pizza topped with red sauce, mozzarella cheese, and pineapple.
  3. Pizza topped with red sauce, mozzarella cheese, Parmesan cheese, and veggies (like sauteed shiitake mushrooms, caramelized onions, browned fennel, fresh basil, toasted pine nuts, wilted swiss chard or spinach, sauteed leeks, eggplant, sage, green peppers, fresh tomatoes, and/or fresh oregano).
  4. Nix the cheese and top pizza with ground beef, caramelized onions, nutritional yeast, mushrooms, and fresh basil for a Paleo-approach.

Dessert Menu:

  1. Pizza topped with butter, cinnamon, and sugar.
  2. Pizza topped with peanut butter/sugar/butter paste, marshmallows, and chocolate chips.
Other Thinks:
  • Pre-bake mini personal-pizza-size crusts, cool, wrap in plastic wrap, and freeze until you need a personal pizza crust!


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